Nutrition (NUTR)
NUTR 1150 Food Service Sanitation. An overview of applied Food Service Sanitation as it relates to proper food handling and training in the Food Service industry. Emphasis placed on prevention of food borne illness, and safety related to food, personnel, and consumers. At the completion of the course, students take the sanitation certificate exam.Prerequisites: Must be Major in Nutrition, Pre-Dietetics, Nutrition and Dietetics, or Food and Nutrition Management. 1 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
NUTR 1191 Topics. Coverage of topics in nutritional sciences, with a focus on personal applications of principles for optimal health. Topics may change so the course can be repeated for credit. 3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 12.
Designation: Life-Scientific (QLS)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
NUTR 2200 Nutritional Science. (Formerly 200) An integrated approach to the study of the requirements and functions of nutrients that are determinants of health and disease in human populations. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Life-Scientific (QLS)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms)
MESA (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms)
MESA (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms)
NUTR 2201 Nutrition in Health and Exercise. An integrated approach to the study of the requirements and functions of nutrients, with particular attention to applications in sports. Prerequisite on Lisle Campus: Health Education and Promotion, Physical Education, or Sports and Exercise Science major with at least Sophomore standing by credit hours. Prerequisite on Mesa Campus: Health Education and Promotion major with at least Sophomore standing by credit hours. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Life-Scientific (QLS)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
MESA (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
MESA (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
NUTR 2220 Mediterranean Diet and Health. NUTR 2220 Mediterranean Diet Health. This 12-week hybrid course involves both asynchronous requirements online and spring break on ground in a Mediterranean location. Investigation of the evolution, characteristics, and health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet using a country's cuisine as a case study. We will explore the role food plays in community, family, ethnicity, nutrition, health, and national identity, as well as the scientific link between the dietary pattern, its constituent foods and health outcomes. Class methods on line and in country will employ lecture, activities, discussions, excursions to food producers, tastings, cooking classes, and tours to cultural sites in the region. Includes student fees with payment schedule. Pre-Requisite: Sophomore Standing. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Sustainability; Life-Scientific (QLS); Learning Community; Global; Engaged Learning
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term, Odd Years)
MESA (Typically Offered: Spring Term, Odd Years)
MESA (Typically Offered: Spring Term, Odd Years)
NUTR 2241 Nutrition through the Life Cycle. (Formerly 241) A life cycle approach to nutrition science; incorporates nutrient availability, function and sources; energy balance; lifestyle health risk factors; with a focus on special nutrient needs for various stages of the life cycle. Students are introduced to the case study process. ONLY for majors and minors in the Department of Nutrition AND Health Science Majors. (Lisle campus only) 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: -
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
NUTR 2242 Introduction to the Dietetics Profession. An overview of the profession that will cover scope of practice, code of ethics, credentialing and career options, leadership and professional development, and trends in food, nutrition, and the profession. 1 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
NUTR 2245 Food Science Laboratory. Techniques of food preparation. Applied sensory and physiochemical examination of study of the composition, structure, and functional properties of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Lab fee required. 1 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
NUTR 2250 Foodservice Operations. This course presents the following foodservice principles and processes to deliver quality services: menu planning, purchasing, procurement, production, distribution and service, quality improvement, and layout and design. Prerequisite: Credit or co-registration in NUTR 2241 or NUTR 3244. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
NUTR 2280 Community Health and Nutrition Programs. (Formerly 280) Introduction to the role of the Public and Community Nutrition professional. Over view of health care policy, health care systems, and legislation, discussion of the legislative and regulatory basis of nutrition and dietetics practice, and advocacy. Discussion of current public health and nutrition problems, existing programs and other resources, health literacy, role of environment, and marketing for improving the health of the population, as well as application through development of an educational intervention for the community. Transportation may be required. Prerequisite: NUTR 2200, 2201, 2231 or 2241; or junior standing by credits with co-registration in NUTR 2200, 2201, 2231 or 2241, and consent. Cross-listed HLED 2280 and NUTR 2280. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
NUTR 2291 Topics. Coverage of topics in nutritional sciences and its relationship to health maintenance and disease prevention. Topics may change so the course can be repeated for credit. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 12.
Designation: Life-Scientific (QLS)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
NUTR 2298 Cultural Foods. An overview of the food habits of world cultures, including discussion of ways in which food , food production, food consumption and food rituals are associated with cultural norms, health and behaviors, social conventions, religious practices, and individual and group ways of living. Laboratory component provides exposure to traditional foods and food preparation techniques. Lab fee required. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Global
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
NUTR 2364 Food Systems and Policy. (Formerly 364) An evidence-based exploration of the food system’s interrelationships with public health, nutrition, the environment, equity, and society. Topics concerning food production, global markets, labor practices, policy and politics, food manufacturing practices and marketing techniques will be examined. This course includes identification of areas of concern and challenges, discussion of policies, advocacy, and action opportunities, identification of personal opportunities for stewardship, and development of intervention strategies. Prerequisite: WRIT 1101 and 1102; 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Sustainability
Campus: MESA (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
NUTR 3244 Food Science. (Formerly 244) A study of the physical and chemical composition, structure, and functional properties of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats; sensory evaluation principles; and applications to food and nutritional health. Prerequisite: CHEM 1101 or CHEM 1123 or NUTR 2245. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
NUTR 3246 Experimental Foods Laboratory. (Formerly 246) Experimental application of physiochemical behavior of food. Techniques of recipe development and recipe development research to meet special dietary requirements, including evaluation techniques. Prerequisite: NUTR 3244 and 2245. Lab fee: $170. 1 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
NUTR 3290 Selected Topics in Nutrition. (Formerly 290) Special topics adjusted to the needs of the students. Topics may be changed so that the course may be repeated for credit. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 18.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
NUTR 3295 Nutrition Teaching. Supervised teaching of nutrition in laboratories. Prerequisite: NUTR 3244, NUTR 2245, and NUTR 3246, or NUTR 2298; Nutrition majors only. 1 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 9.
Designation: -
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
NUTR 3296 Community Health Practicum. (Formerly 296) Experience designed to meet interest of an individual student and serve a community need. Off-campus site. Transportation required. Prerequisite: Major in Pre-Dietetics or Nutrition and Dietetics or Health Education and Promotion or Food and Nutrition Management;. Additional coursework, credit, and GPA prerequisite are determined by nature of experience. May be repeated for credit. Liability fee: $27.50. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 18.
Designation: -
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
NUTR 3375 Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism. (Formerly 3315), A study of the basic concepts of biochemistry applied to cellular metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, vitamins and co-factors. Emphasis is placed on metabolic pathways, the interrelationships of major nutrients and the relation of the metabolic processes to the overall nutritional health of an individual. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in CHEM 1109; and Grade of "C" or better in NUTR 2241. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
NUTR 3391 Health Risk Assessment. (Formerly 391) Professional practice roles, methods, and skills. Emphasis on developing skills in medical terminology and nutrition assessment (i.e. anthropometrics and other body composition indicators, biochemical indices, clinical symptomatology, dietary intake) for health promotion and disease prevention. Transportation may be required. Pre-requisite: Grade of "C" or better in BIOL 3258, or BIOL 1157 and 1158, or BIOL 1155; NUTR 2241 and NUTR/HLED 2280, OR credit or co-registration in NUTR 4371. Lab fee of $170. 2 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
NUTR 4250 Food and Nutrition Services Management. (Formerly 4350) This course presents the students with key concepts and applications of organization structure, and management theories and operational principles, including: fiscal control, budgeting and interpretation of financial data, performance measurements and continuous quality improvement, human resource and information management, and marketing. Prerequisite: Junior standing and grade of "C" or better in NUTR 2241, NUTR 2200, or NUTR 2201. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
NUTR 4297 Quantity Foods Practicum. (Formerly 297) Supervised experience in foodservice operations and management, with emphasis on areas related to menu planning, food purchasing, cost control, and production, quality improvement, and applied sanitation and safety. May be at off-campus sites. Transportation may be required. Prerequisite: Senior standing by credit hours earned; Must be Pre-Dietetics, Nutrition and Dietetics major, or Food and Nutrition Management major; Grade of "C" or better all of the following courses: NUTR 1150, NUTR 2241, NUTR 2245, NUTR 2250, and HLED 3271; Credit or coregistration in NUTR 4250; and GPA of 2.500/4.0 or higher. Liability fee: $27.50. Department Consent Required. Lisle campus only. 4 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Engaged Learning
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Summer Term)
NUTR 4300 Nutrition Aspects of Disease. (Formerly 3300) Pathophysiology and symptoms of chronic disease, with a focus on associations with inadequate/excess nutrition. Topics include cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, disordered eating, and malnutrition. Applications to community settings. Not for students accepted in the Nutrition and Dietetics major. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in BIOL 1157 and BIOL 1158, or BIOL 3216 and BIOL 3217, and a 2000-level NUTR course. 4 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
NUTR 4345 Science of Nutrition and Fitness. The course examines the metabolic and physiologic basis for macronutrient and micronutrient recommendations during training, competition/performance, and recovery. Includes disease applications, recommendations for targeted educational interventions, and case studies. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in BIOL 3258, or BIOL 1157 and 1158. Grade of "C" or better in NUTR 2201 or NUTR 2241. Credit or co-registration in NUTR 3375. Consent of Department Chairperson is required. Cross-listed as NTR/NUTR 5530. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
NUTR 4371 Medical Nutrition Therapy I. Pathology, treatment and medical nutrition therapy of chronic and acute diseases and conditions, including those of the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, pulmonary, respiratory, urinary and endocrine systems. Nutrition Support, along with related legal and ethical issues, is discussed. Includes therapeutic menu planning. (NOTE: cannot receive credit for both NUTR 4300 and 4371). Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in BIOL 3258, or BIOL 1157 and 1158. Grade of "C" or better in NUTR 2241. Credit or co-registration in NUTR 3375 or CHEM 4365. 4 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
NUTR 4374 Medical Nutrition Therapy II. Pathology, treatment, and medical nutrition therapy of chronic and acute diseases and conditions, including disordered eating and obesity, applications to sports, malnutrition and hypermetabolic conditions (such as trauma and stress), immune systems and allergies, AIDS, and cancer, nervous system, and nutrient deficiencies resulting in anemia, bone diseases, and inborn errors. Includes nutrigenomics and therapeutic menu planning. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in BIOL 3258, or BIOL 1157 and 1158. Grade of "C" or better in NUTR 2241. Grade of "C" or better in NUTR 3375. 4 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
NUTR 4390 Selected Topics. (Formerly 390) Special topics in nutrition adjusted to the needs of the students. 3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 18.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
NUTR 4392 Nutrition Research and Professional Writing. This course provides an overview of research methodology. Locate using current information technologies, interpret, and evaluate professional health literature as a foundation to develop a professional manuscript and complete a journal critique. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in WRIT 1102 and credit or co-registration in BALT 1150/MATH 1150 or MATH 2229 or PSYC 2250, and credit or co-registration in NUTR 3246, NUTR 4300, or NUTR 4371, or NUTR 4374. 2 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Writing Intensive
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
NUTR 4395 Nutrition Counseling. Students learn principles and demonstrate techniques of effective interviewing, and counseling to facilitate behavior change. The course includes an introduction to coding and billing to obtain reimbursement for services. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in HLED 3271; Grade of "C" or better in NUTR 2241; Credit or co-registration in NUTR 4371 or 4374. 2 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
NUTR 4396 Specialized Nutrition and Health Practicum. (Formerly 396) Supervised experience designed to meet the interest of an individual student. May be at off-campus sites. Transportation may be required. Prerequisite: 3.0 GPA, Nutrition majors only; additional course prerequisites are determined by nature of experience. Liability fee: $27.50. 2-3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 18.
Designation: Engaged Learning
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Summer Term)
NUTR 4399 Nutrition Research. (Formerly 399) A supervised research project that is conducted on or off campus. Transportation may be required. Independent Study. Prerequisite: GPA of 3.20 or higher. Grade of "C" or better in WRIT 1102. Grade of "C" or better in MATH 1150 or MATH 2229 or PSYC 2250. Credit or co-registration in NUTR 4392 or HLED 4394. Instructor consent. Fee: $170. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 18.
Designation: Engaged Learning
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
NUTR 4459 Nutrition Capstone. (Formerly 3359) Students in the program participate in a pre-determined health project. This provides students with the opportunity to integrate their course work, knowledge, and experiences into an authentic project that results in a written report and presentation regarding an issue within the field of nutrition, health, or health care. Students may work individually or in a small team. Experiences may be at an off campus site; transportation may be required. Pre-requisites: Credit or co-registration in NUTR 4300, and consent of instructor required 2 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Engaged Learning
Campus: MESA (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
NUTR 4472 Clinical Nutrition Case Studies. (Formerly 4372) A problem-based learning approach to case studies integrated with a traditional didactic approach to foster development of independent critical thinking skills. Incorporates medical record reviews, and applies the Nutrition Care Process, including identification of nutrition-related problems, food and lifestyle health behaviors, development of clinical and educational plan of care, and documentation techniques. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in BIOL 3258, or BIOL 1157 and 1158. Grade of "C" or better in NUTR 2241. Grade of "C" or better in NUTR 3375. Credit or co-registration in NUTR 4371. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Engaged Learning
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
NUTR 4475 Mentoring in Dietetics Capstone. (Formerly 4375) Exploration of roles and qualities of preceptors and mentors in dietetics. Collaboration with graduate interns providing experience as mentee in the practice of dietetics. Assessment and completion of Senior Portfolio Self-Analysis Development Plan. Transportation required; off-campus sites. Prerequisite: Senior standing by credits earned. 3.00 GPA. Grade of "C" or better in NUTR 2241. Grade of "C" or better in HLED 3271. Credit or co-registration in NUTR 4371 or 4374. 1 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
NUTR 4493 Leadership in Dietetics. Through a process of readings, self-discovery, group observations, and case studies, the student will learn the theory and practices essential to effective ethical leadership. Prerequisites: Major in Pre-Dietetics, Nutrition and Dietetics, or Food and Nutrition Management; credit or co-registration in NUTR 2241; and junior standing by credit hours. 1 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
NUTR 4494 Leadership in Action. This course is a continuation of NUTR 4493. Topics include transformational leadership, change management, and appreciative inquiry. Students will collaborate with an agency to develop and implement a program to positively impact the community. For students in the MSP program who are majoring in Nutrition and Dietetics; Senior standing by credit hours; NUTR 4493; NUTR 3296; credit or co-registration in NUTR 4475. Prerequisite: Instructor consent. 1 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)