COMM 1101 Understanding Journalism. Designed for the general education student, the course discusses the major theories about journalism, democracy, and citizenship. In this course, journalism is re-defined as the process in which citizens inform themselves about the issues that affect their lives and their future. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Political, Global, and Economic Systems (QPE)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 1110 Speech Communication. (Formerly SPCH 110) An introduction to public speaking, communication theory and small-group and interpersonal communication. Assignments cover informative speaking and persuasive debate. The course includes researched extemporaneous speeches and several in-class exercises. Please note: For the Online courses, speeches must be delivered to a live audience and recorded for submission. IAI C2900. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Oral Communication
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
COMM 1150 Introduction to Media Studies and Mass Persuasion. (Formerly 150) A writing and speaking-intensive introduction to communication arts theory and research, with an emphasis on analyzing mass media messages and understanding their underlying cultural and historical contexts. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Writing Intensive Class
Campus: MESA
COMM 1155 Introduction to Digital Story Telling. (Formerly 155) In this course, students will be introduced to a variety of media production technology including digital photography, videography, visual communication, the Adobe Creative Suite for Layout, Graphic Design, and Editing. This course is designed to give students introductory knowledge to the tools they will use and skill sets they will develop as Communication Arts majors. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: MESA (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
COMM 2201 Advertising Persuasion and Consumer Society. (Formerly 201) A critical examination of Madison Avenue’s advertising images and narratives. Students in the class learn how to recognize the hidden persuasion techniques that are used in advertising. Writing and speaking intensive. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Writing Intensive; Literary and Rhetorical (QLR)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
MESA (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
COMM 2208 Layout and Design for Publication. (Formerly 208) Layout and Design for Publication. Design principles and professional processes are emphasized. Projects may include newspaper, magazine, and other projects, using InDesign and Photoshop. Course fee: $50.00. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
COMM 2209 Newswriting and Reporting. (Formerly 209) Principles and practice in gathering and writing news as well as preparing copy for publication. Prerequisite: WRIT 1101. IAI MC919. 3 semester credit hour/s. Designation: Writing Intensive
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
COMM 2210 Public Relations Principles and Practices. An introductory course that examines the foundations and workings of public relations. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
COMM 2235 Photojournalism. (Formerly 235) Teaches the skills in creating and evaluating images for photojournalism purposes in both still image and video formats. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
COMM 2250 Masters of the American Cinema. (formerly 250) A historical study of representative fiction film makers from D.W. Griffith to Spike Lee. IAI F2908. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 2251 History of Film. (Formerly 251) A cross-cultural study of the development of the cinema from its late 19th century origins to the present. IAI F2909 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 2252 Technical Writing. A practical course designed to train students for various fields that require technical writing skills - engineering, computer science, industry, etc. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 2253 Public Relations Writing. (Formerly 253) Focuses on writing for public relations. Students prepare news releases, newsletters and feature stories. Prerequisite: WRIT 1102 or 103 or HNRS 1190. 3 semester credit hour/s. Designation: Writing Intensive
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
COMM 2254 Writing for the Electronic Media. (Formerly 254) A practical course designed to expose students to the various approaches, forms and techniques of writing for the electronic media. IAI MC917. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Writing Intensive
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
COMM 2255 Television Production. (Formerly 255) Laboratory course introducing students to the technical and aesthetic principles utilized in preparing programming for television. Fee: $60. IAI MC916. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
COMM 2256 International Film. (Formerly 256) A study of the film form as seen in the most important films produced outside the United States. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Literary and Rhetorical (QLR); Global
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 2259 Italian Cinema from 1945 to 1975. (Formerly 259) The course focuses on Italian cinema as a form of artistic expression and a critique of the existing social reality. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
COMM 2263 Advertising Copywriting. (Formerly 263) Covers the fundamentals of writing copy and designing advertising for all forms of print and electronic media. Prerequisite: WRIT 1101. 3 semester credit hour/s. Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 2264 Sports Journalism. (Formerly 264) This course is designed for students to adapt skills learned in COMM 2209 toward a variety of sports environments and applications. The students will write press releases and do hard news reporting, and be informed of the inner workings of the sports communication environment. 3 semester credit hour/s. Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 2265 Sports Broadcasting. (Formerly 265) This course provides a strong foundation into the field of sports broadcasting to gain a better understanding of the field. Students will participate in the production of sports broadcasting by learning how to write scripts and present them on camera. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 2267 Seminar in Writing. (Formerly 267) Using a digital-first strategy for writing, students in this class experiment with a variety of writing styles and approaches to include journalism writing, fiction writing, and essay writing. The writing pieces for this class are expected to be eventually submitted for publication in "DuPage Valley Review", a journal of the creative arts at Benedictine University. Prerequisites: COMM 2207 and COMM 2209. 3 semester credit hour/s. Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 2291 Topics. (Formerly 291) Study of aspects of communication on the intermediate level not listed as regular course offerings. Prerequisite: WRIT 1102. 3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 12. Designation: -
Campus: LISLE
COMM 2295 Independent Study. (Formerly 295) Designed for the student who wishes to explore aspects of communications not normally offered in the regular curriculum. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 12. Department Consent Required.
Campus: LISLE
COMM 3207 Editing for Publications. (Formerly 207) Introduction to the principles and practices of editing for books, magazines, and newspapers. Prerequisite: WRIT 1101 or HNRS 1190. 3 semester credit hour/s. Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
COMM 3297 Internship. (Formerly 297) Practical experience in public relations, electronic media, journalism, advertising or multimedia supervised by the Communication Arts department. Up to three internship hours may be applied toward the 42 hour major requirement. Up to 12 hours may apply toward the 120 hours for graduation. Prerequisite: Consent of department, and at least 2.50 GPA 2-6 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 12. Department Consent Required.
Designation: Engaged Learning
Campus: LISLE
COMM 3301 Research Practicum. (Formerly 301) Students conduct original research and present their findings at a student conference. Prerequisite: completion of one COMM theory course at the 3000 level or higher (formerly 300 level) with a grade of "B" or better. 3 semester credit hour/s. Department Consent Required.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 3302 Arts Practicum. (Formerly 302) Students create original communication arts works to present at student exhibitions. Prerequisite: completion of one COMM Arts applied course at the 3000 level or higher (formerly 300 level). 3 semester credit hour/s. Department Consent Required.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 3303 Media and Society. (Formerly 303) A critical investigation of the role of media in human societies. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Individuals, Organizations, and Societies (QIO)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term, Odd Years)
COMM 3304 Media and Environment. (Formerly 304) A critical investigation of the role of the media in the global discussion of environmental issues. 3 semester credits hours. Sustainability. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Sustainability; Global
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 3305 Media Literacy: Fact, Fiction, and Fake News. (Formerly 305) In this course, students will be introduced to strategies and techniques for being informed and critical producers and consumers of media. Using a critical media studies approach, students will examine a wide variety of media texts on a weekly basis and engage in critical discussion about how those media texts are constructed and how they inform public discourse. This course mus be accompanied by a lab, after completion of the seminar/lab, the lab may be repeated for credit. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: MESA (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
COMM 3306 Media Lab and Learning Community. (Formerly 306) In this Lab, students will apply skills learned in the seminar, COMM 3305. Particular attention will be given to current events and cultivating active responsible citizens. The lab will be an opportunity for students to create their own critical responses to current events. 1 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 3. Campus: MESA (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
COMM 3309 Global Journalism. (Formerly 309) Students will gain the skills needed to cover news stories in a foreign country along with the ability to analyze global media content. 3 semester credit hour/s. Department Consent Required.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 3310 Advanced Public Relations. A critical look at significant public relations campaigns. Students will also create their own public relations campaigns. Pre-requisite: COMM 2210 with a grade of C or better. 3 semester credit hour/s. Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
COMM 3316 Advanced Television Production. (Formerly 316) Emphasis on development of directing and post-production skills, with focus on aesthetic and technical principles. Course fee - $60. Prerequisite: COMM 2254 and COMM 2255. 3 semester credit hour/s. Designation: -
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
COMM 3320 Communications Research Methods: Grounded Theory Ethnography. In this course students will study the accepted research methods in the field of ethnography utilizing a grounded theory approach. This course will prepare students for graduate level work in the disciplines of Communication, Ethnography, or Cultural Anthropology. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: MESA (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
COMM 3337 Advanced Journalism Writing. (Formerly 337) Advanced Journalism Writing. Students practice the major style of investigative journalism and learn how to dig for information using public documents and journalistic tools. The class culminates in an in-depth investigative story by each student. Prerequisite: COMM 2209. 3 semester credit hour/s. Designation: Writing Intensive
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 3353 Advanced Seminar in Page Design for Publications. (Formerly 353) Students work as a design company to produce multiple publications that are sold on digital marketplaces like Amazon. Students will write, edit, illustrate and design books such as art magazines and children’s books. Pre-requisite: COMM 2208. 3 semester credit hour/s. Department Consent Required. Designation: Writing Intensive
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 3381 Multimedia Production for the Web. (Formerly 381) Students experiment with a variety of web-based materials, explore different uses of social media and learn to build web pages in HTML and CSS. Course Fee: $60 3 semester credit hour/s. Department Consent Required.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
COMM 3382 Digital Video Editing. (Formerly 382) Students learn and apply advanced computer editing skills in audio and video to produce a variety of video projects. Prerequisite: COMM 2255 or co-registration in COMM 2255. Course fee: $50. 3 semester credit hour/s. Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
COMM 3384 Recording and Popular Music in America. (Formerly 384) An examination of American music over the past 125 years and its role in media and culture. There will also be a thorough examination of recording technology from Thomas Edison's first devices through the present day. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 3385 Television and Society. (Formerly 385) An in-depth investigation of the television industry and its impact on American and world culture. Prerequisite: WRIT 1102. 3 semester credit hour/s. Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 3388 Studies in Film Theory and Criticism. (Formerly 388) Selected topics in film theory and criticism. 3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 9.
Designation: -
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 3390 Images of Men and Women in Advertising. (Formerly 390) A critical investigation of how we are influenced in the way we think about gender and gender relationships. Prerequisite: WRIT 1102. 3 semester credit hour/s. Designation: Writing Intensive
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
COMM 3391 Topics. (Formerly 391) Study of aspects of communications on the advanced level not covered in the above course offerings. Prerequisite: COMM 3207, COMM 2208, WRIT 1102. 3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 12. Campus: LISLE
COMM 3392 Senior Project. (Formerly 392) Advanced applications in a focused area of communications beyond other upper level courses. Senior Project does not count towards the 39 hours required for a degree in communication arts. Prerequisite: Senior standing, completion of or concurrent enrollment in communications courses totaling 39 hours, and approval of proposal prior to semester in which the student is enrolled. 3 semester credit hour/s. Department Consent Required.
Campus: LISLE
COMM 3395 Independent Study. (Formerly 395) Designed for the superior student who wishes to explore an aspect of communication beyond the scope of undergraduate course offerings through guided independent study. Prerequisite: COMM 2207 and GPA of 3.5 in major. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 12. Department Consent Required.
Campus: LISLE
COMM 4317 Mass Media Law and Ethics. (Formerly 317) Examines the many legal and ethical issues related to the mass media. Prerequisite: WRIT 1101 or HNRS 1190. 3 semester credit hour/s. Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
COMM 4393 Senior Portfolio. (Formerly 3393 and 393) Required of all Communication Arts and Writing and Publishing majors, this course is designed to help the student improve the appearance, content, and organization of their Senior Portfolio. The class also prepares students for the practical challenges they face as they transition from college.Prerequisite: Senior Standing 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Engaged Learning
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
FNAR 1100 Art Appreciation. (Formerly 100) Introduction to the visual arts through lectures, discussions and field trips. IAI F2900. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: MESA
FNAR 1101 Fundamentals of Design. (Formerly 101) Emphasizes the knowledge and application of basic design principles of two-dimensional images in abstract and representational forms. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
FNAR 1103 Three-Dimensional Design. (Formerly 103) A studio art course which explores the design principles when applied to the exploration and ordering of three-dimensional space. Using a variety of physical materials students will construct artworks which challenge their conceptual capacity of considering visual and tactile properties of form. No prerequisite. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: MESA
FNAR 1105 Fundamentals of Design: Computer Application. (Formerly 105) This course explores fundamental design elements and principles in visual communication by employing a computer and its applications. Students will practice basic skills of Photoshop, Illustrator, and other graphic programs as needed to create simple design projects that use a computer as an artist's tool. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
FNAR 1120 Lettering & Layout - Foundational. (Formerly 120) Introduction to calligraphic lettering with a broad-nib pen. Explores a variety of designs and techniques in italic and related cursive styles. Core. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
FNAR 1121 Lettering & Layout - Italic. (Formerly 121) Introduction to calligraphic lettering with a broad-nib pen. Explores a variety of designs and techniques in italic and related cursive styles. Core. Artistic and Creative Mode of Inquiry (QCA). 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
FNAR 2111 Drawing I. (Formerly 111) Fundamentals of drawing from observation with emphasis on sight measuring, linear perspective, and tone modeling. Subjects of drawing comprise the still life, perspective interior, and the portrait. Fee $40.00. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
FNAR 2202 Watercolor Painting. Through a number of exercises and assignments, the student will master various watercolor techniques and attain a deeper understanding of color theories and stronger skill set as a watercolor artist. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
FNAR 2203 Ancient and Medieval Art. (Formerly 203) Art historical survey of significant paintings, sculptures and buildings with emphasis on religious concepts. IAI F2901. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA); Global
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)
FNAR 2204 Renaissance to Modern Art. (Formerly 204) Art historical survey of painting, sculpture and architecture in Western civilization with emphasis on religious concepts. IAI F2902. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA); Global
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
FNAR 2205 Global Art History. (Formerly 205) Introduction to the history of the visual cultures of Africa, India and Southeast Asia, China and Japan. Emphasizes the arts in context, especially the world religions Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. Core. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA); Global
Campus: LISLE
FNAR 2206 Modern and Contemporary Art History. (Formerly 206) Survey of major visual arts movements from 1865 to present. Emphasizes artists' contexts and audience reception. Core. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE
FNAR 2207 Art of China. (Formerly 207) Chronological survey of the breadth of Chinese art from Ancient period to Contemporary trends: in painting, architecture, decorative arts, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, photography, performance and installations. Examines major artists, art styles and aesthetic theories within their historical, social, political and aesthetic contexts. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Odd Years)
FNAR 2208 Art of Islam and the Middle East. (Formerly 208) Chronological survey of Islamic and Middle Eastern visual culture form the Ancient period through Contemporary era. Examines major artists, art styles and aesthetic theories within their historical, social, political and aesthetic contexts. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Odd Years)
FNAR 2209 History of Latin American Art. (Formerly 209) Chronological survey of Western visual culture from the Rococo period through the transnational Postmodern era. Examines major artists, art styles and aesthetic theories within their historical, social, political and aesthetic contexts. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA); Global
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Even Years)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
FNAR 2220 Sculpture I. Sculpture I is an introduction to the basics of sculpture in a variety of three dimensional media. Students will learn a variety of sculptural media that may include, but are not limited to: metals, various clay bodies, wax, plastics and resins, wood, plaster, fiberglass, found object, installation, etc. Students will learn both additive and subtractive approaches to sculpture. Students may explore a variety of subject matter and may make both representational and abstract work. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
FNAR 2230 Ceramics I. This course will focus on gaining skills in hand building techniques and wheel throwing with clay. With the ceramic skills gained, students will be encouraged to bring out personal narratives in their work. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: MESA (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
FNAR 2240 Printmaking: Intaglio(Etching). (Formerly 240) A studio course emphasizing the etching medium. Core. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term, Even Years)
FNAR 2241 Printmaking: Relief. (Formerly 241) Introduction to the woodcut and relief processes. Core. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term, Even Years)
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
FNAR 2242 Printmaking: Silk-Screen. (Formerly 242) A studio course on silk-screen printing. Core. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term, Odd Years)
FNAR 2243 Printmaking: Lithography. (Formerly 243) A studio course utilizing the traditional technique of drawing and printing on limestones. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term, Odd Years)
FNAR 2250 Oil Painting. (Formerly 250) An introductory studio course emphasizing color mixing as it relates to traditional representation. The genre of still life is a major component of the course. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)
FNAR 2291 Topics. (Formerly 291) Focuses on various topics relating to the needs of the students and recent events and/or topics of interest. 3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 3.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
FNAR 2293 Digital Photography. (Formerly 293) Emphasis on shooting and manipulation of digital camera imagery. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE
FNAR 2294 Computer Art. (Formerly 294) Creation of artwork using the computer as medium. Core. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
FNAR 2295 Intermediate Photography. A studio art course that further exposes students to the discipline of Studio assignments. Assignments would involve the control of lights, exposures, background selections, still life/product photography, portraiture, and figure studies. A digital SLR camera required for the assignments. Prerequisite: FNAR 2293 Digital Photography. 3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 99. Campus: MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
FNAR 2298 Creative Process as Art Therapy. (Formerly 298) This course implements concepts from art therapy and related fields to explore the nature of the creative process itself, utilizing various techniques to enhance artistic self-expression and release creative potential. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
FNAR 3210 Figure Drawing. (Formerly 210) Introduction to drawing the human figure from observation. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term, Odd Years)
FNAR 3211 Drawing II. (Formerly 211) This studio art course is a continuation and expansion of Drawing I which utilizes the representational tradition of drawing. Drawing II will give focus to the compositional and design aspects of picture making. Towards the conclusion of the course the nature of abstraction will be investigated. Reference to historical models of drawing is a constant factor of the course. A variety of materials will be included. Prerequisite: FNAR 2111 Drawing I. 3 semester credit hour/s. Designation: -
Campus: LISLE
FNAR 3244 Intermediate Printmaking. (Formerly 244) This is a printmaking course which expands on the techniques of any one, or in combination, of the four printmaking courses (i.e. 2240, 2241, 2242, and 2243). Investigations into color, advanced techniques, and an exploration of texture are key components of the course. Prerequisite: two printmaking courses. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: -
Campus: LISLE
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
FNAR 3260 Intermediate Painting. (Formerly 260) This studio art course continues on the foundations of the beginning Oil Painting course which seeks to establish the groundwork for painting from life, the mechanics and craft of oil painting, which includes learning to conceptualize working with a pallet of color. Exploration of new genre, including the still life, will be a factor in the course. Prerequisite: FNAR 2250 Oil Painting. 3 semester credit hour/s. Designation: -
Campus: LISLE
FNAR 3320 Sculpture II. An intermediate sculpture class that will build on the skills and knowledge learned in Sculpture I (FNAR 2220). The topic or focus may be limited to one or a limited range of techniques, media and conceptual approaches depending on the professor’s choice. The course may be repeated for credit up to two times as long as the topic of the class is different in each iteration. 3 semester credit hour/s. Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: MESA
FNAR 3330 Ceramics II. Ceramics II is an advanced ceramics class. It will build on the techniques of Ceramics I (FNAR 230), adding more advanced throwing techniques, more technically challenging hand building projects, experience in glaze mixing, and experience with loading and firing a kiln. Prerequisite: FNAR 2230. 3 semester credit hour/s. Designation: Artistic and Creative (QCA)
Campus: MESA (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
FNAR 3381 Advanced Studio I. (Formerly 381) An advanced studio course that focuses on advanced issues in art making related to medium and content. The instructor may also introduce a theme for the course to further influence student work. Prerequisite: Any 1000 or 2000 level studio course. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
FNAR 3382 Advanced Studio II. (Formerly 382) An advanced studio course that focuses on advanced issues in art making related to medium and content. Students develop individual mastery in form and chosen subject matter. Prerequisite: Advanced Studio I (FNAR 3381). 3 semester credit hour/s. Campus: MESA
FNAR 3383 Advanced Studio III. (Formerly 383) An advanced studio course that focuses on advanced issues in art making related to medium and content. Students continue to develop individual mastery in form and chosen subject matter. Prerequisite: Advanced Studio II (FNAR 3382). 3 semester credit hour/s. Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall and Spring Terms)
FNAR 3395 Independent Study. (Formerly 395) A course designed to provide students with individual and focused coursework in some area of studio art. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 99. Department Consent Required.
Campus: LISLE
FNAR 4305 Advanced Painting. (Formerly 305) An advanced 4000 level studio art course that explores the meaning of Modernist abstraction, which also includes the representational tradition. The course will also consider the relevance of understanding contemporary art as it becomes pertinent to conceiving of a personal artistic vision. Having an aesthetic posture of creativity, invention, and discovery is the primary attitude towards the course. This course is not a core elective. 3 semester credit hour/s.
Designation: -
Campus: LISLE
FNAR 4311 Advanced Drawing. (Formerly 311) An intensive investigation into the use of value and the compositional elements of picture making, while seeking a personal vision. Emphasis will be placed on the methods of representation as evidenced by the traditions of past masters. This is not a core elective. Prerequisite: FNAR 3211 Drawing II. 3 semester credit hour/s. Designation: -
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term, Even Years)
FNAR 4330 Advanced Ceramics. This course is intended to build on the techniques from prior hand building throwing done in Ceramics I II. The focus is on personal design and construction of the clay object, whether functional and/or sculptural in purpose. Pre-requisite: FNAR 2230 and FNAR 3330. 3 semester credit hour/s. Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Periodically)
FNAR 4340 Advanced Printmaking. (Formerly 340) An advanced 4000-level studio art course that utilizes one, or more, of the traditional printmaking mediums. Students are expected to pursue a personal vision while being aware of the influences that contemporary printmaking can offer. Mastery of the printmaking material and techniques will remain a primary concern. Prerequisite: FNAR 3244 Intermediate Printmaking. 3 semester credit hour/s. Campus: LISLE
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
FNAR 4350 Senior Portfolio: Thesis Exhibition. (Formerly 350) This is a capstone course for Senior Art majors. Students are expected to produce a developed vision within their chosen medium of concentration, and then exhibit their artworks in the University Art Gallery. The course will also consider the development of a digital portfolio that can serve the student post-graduation. The critique process by Art faculty is a constant factor in the course. Prerequisite--One of three: FNAR 4305, FNAR 4340, or FNAR 4394. 3 semester credit hour/s. Department Consent Required. Designation: Writing Intensive; Engaged Learning
Campus: LISLE
MESA (Typically Offered: Periodically)
FNAR 4394 Advanced Photography. (Formerly 394) An advanced, 4000-level studio art course which would include developing a thesis with a selected concentration in the photographic discipline. This course could also have as a concentration topics related to photo journalism, documentary photography, or event photography. The course begins the process of developing a body of work that leads to a professional portfolio. Prerequisite: FNAR 2294 Intermediate Photography. 3 semester credit hour/s. Designation: -
Campus: LISLE
FNAR 4398 Senior Seminar: Art Criticism. (Formerly 398) This is a writing intensive course that focuses on the methods, theories, and imagery that contribute to the art of writing art criticism. Much emphasis will be placed on the act of interpretation. This course is also intended towards the fine artist who is serious about developing a personal artistic vision. 3 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 99.
Designation: Writing Intensive
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall Term)