Academic Catalog

Tuition Refund Policy

Three-Day Cancellation

An applicant who provides written notice of cancellation to the Enrollment Center within three days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and federal and state holidays) of signing an Enrollment Agreement will receive a refund of all monies paid. No later than 30 calendar days of receiving the notice of cancellation, the University will provide the full refund.

Applicants who provide written notice of cancellation more than three days after signing the Enrollment Agreement and making an initial payment, but prior to the commencement of classes, are entitled to a refund of all monies paid (minus the application fee).

  1. To be eligible for a tuition refund after the start of classes:
    1. The student must officially drop or withdraw from a course within the timeframes set out in the Tuition Refund Timetable below, and
    2. After the official drop or withdrawal from a course or courses, be enrolled less than full time (less than 12 semester credit hours) or have been enrolled in an overload of over 18 credits and reduced to 18 credits or lower.
  2. Students maintaining a full-time enrollment of 12 or more semester credit hours in the term, after the official withdrawal from a course or courses, are not eligible for a refund.
  3. If a student withdraws after the add/drop period is over, the withdrawn course is included in the attempted hours. If an additional course is added and the student is over 18 credit hours, the student is charged the overload fee. For example, a student is in 18 credit hours and withdraws from a 3 credit hours course and receives a W for that course. The student then enrolls in a 2 credit hour course. This brings that student’s attempted hours to 20, so the student would be charged an overload fee for 2 hours.
  4. Students who are expelled, administratively withdrawn or suspended from the University during the course of an academic term are not eligible for a tuition refund and are responsible for all tuition, fees, and other costs incurred.
  5. Recipients of federal financial aid who officially drop a course or withdraw from the University are subject to Return of Title IV Funds regulations. Dropping a course or withdrawing from the University (officially or unofficially, such as by non-attendance) may result in a portion or all of financial aid being returned back to the Department of Education. This may result in a debit balance to the student’s account with the University, which the student is responsible to pay.
  6. The amount of refund, if any, is determined by the date the student successfully completes the drop or withdrawal in MyBenU; or the date the completed Withdrawal form is received by the University. See the Tuition Refund Timetable below for timeframes and refund percentages.
    1. Students who do not officially drop a course in MyBenU or in writing will be financially responsible for the entire cost of the course.
    2. Notifying the instructor of intent to drop a course and/or non-attendance in a course does not constitute an official withdrawal for purposes of eligibility for refunds by the University to the student.
    3. Tuition credit for complete withdrawal will be made only after the proper withdrawal notification has been submitted.
    4. If the drop results in a credit balance on the student’s account, refunds will be issued within 30 days of the official drop or withdrawal date.
  7. To officially drop or withdraw from a course after the commencement of classes, all students should use MyBenU to complete the drop or withdrawal before the appropriate deadline.
  8. A student planning to return within four consecutive semesters (not including summer semesters) must apply for a Leave of Absence, and a student not planning to return must complete the University Withdrawal Form.

Tuition Refund Timetable

Refund per Dropped Course Traditional Programs Fall/Spring Terms Traditional Programs Summer Term Accelerated and Graduate Programs Online Programs
Full Refund Up to 7 calendar days after first class meeting Up to 3 calendar days after first class meeting Up to 7 calendar days after the first class meeting Up through Thursday of the first week of the session
75 percent Refund 8-14 calendar days after the first class meeting N/A N/A N/A
50 percent Refund 15-21 calendar days after the first class meeting 4-6 calendar days after the first class meeting N/A Friday through Sunday of the first week of the session
No Refund 22 calendar days or more after the first class meeting 7 calendar days or more after the first class meeting 8 calendar days or more after the first class meeting After the first week of class
No Refund After the first class meeting for courses with a condensed meeting schedule After the first class meeting for courses with a condensed meeting schedule After the first class meeting for courses with a condensed meeting schedule N/A

Financial Appeals

The Financial Appeals process is designed to address extenuating circumstances that occurred during a given semester that prevented a student from receiving a partial or full refund for a course(s). Students may write a letter of appeal describing the reason(s) and justification for seeking an exception to the refund policy. The burden of proof shall be upon the student to prove their case by a preponderance of evidence in the written appeal. Be specific with extenuating circumstances, dates, the name of persons contacted and any steps taken to address the problem at the time it occurred. Attach appropriate documentation from instructors, a medical provider, or other professionals as needed. Financial appeals over a year old will not be accepted by the Committee.

Submit the appeal to the Financial Appeals Committee by:

Benedictine University
Attn: Financial Appeals Committee
5700 College Road
Lisle, IL 60532

Financial Appeals Committee
(630) 839-7482


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