Academic Catalog

Sports Exercise Science (SES)

SES 5110 Visionary Leadership in Sport Coaching. (Formerly SES 3275) In this class, students will learn to develop and enact an athlete-centered coaching philosophy. Students will also create a unified vision for their sport context that corresponds to strategic planning and goal-setting principles, by aligning their program with all rules and regulations and needs of the community and individual athletes. Students will demonstrate the ability to abide by the code of conduct within their coaching context. Students will develop ethical decision-making processes by applying ethical standards through modeling, teaching, and reinforcing of ethical behavior with program participants. Prerequisite: Senior status or Department Consent. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term) 
SES 5120 Instruction and Learning in Sport Coaching. (Formerly SES 3375) In this class, students will demonstrate knowledge of the skills, elements of skill combinations and techniques, competition strategies and tactics, and the rules associated with their sport of expertise by developing and utilizing pedagogical strategies in daily practices. Students will implement appropriate strategies for evaluating athlete training, development, and performance strategic decision-making skills to make adjustments, improvements, or change course throughout a competition. Additionally, students will create intentional strategies to develop life skills and promote their transfer to other life domains. Prerequisite: Senior status or Department Consent. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Spring Term)