Academic Catalog

Clinical Psychology (CPSY)

CPSY 6510 The Physiology and Pharmacology of Psychotherapeutic Drugs. This course introduces students to the physiological, pharmacological and psychological concepts basic to an understanding of the clinical use of psychotherapeutic drugs. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology Program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6516 Group Process. Group dynamics and processes are studied experientially and conceptually. Emphasis is on understanding learning process in groups. Prerequisite: CPSY 6633. 1 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6550 Understanding Family Roles in Substance Use Disorder Treatment. This course is an introduction to the family as a dynamic system focusing on the effects of addiction pertaining to family roles, rules and behavior patterns. The impact of mood-altering substances and behaviors and therapeutic alternatives as they relate to the family will be discussed. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6551 Substance Use Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment. This course focuses on the examination of substance use disorders along with relevant research, theory, assessment, and treatment approaches. Types of substances and diagnostic criteria will be discussed along with multicultural, traditional, and non-psychologically based approaches to prevention and treatment. Prerequisite: Degree-seeking students in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6560 Principles of Behavior Therapy. The principles of behavior therapy are studied in depth: examination of techniques derived from behavioral principles; and application to specific problems. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6580 Psychology of Women. This course examines theory on the psychology of women and its applications developed through clinical work and research with women. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6585 Grief and Loss. This course examines the process a person experiences as the result of unanticipated or expected life losses. Cultural and cohort differences in grieving styles are explored. A skills component is included to facilitate learning. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6600 Independent Study. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 1-4 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 4. Department Consent Required.  
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6601 Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling I. The course introduces students to professional, legal, and ethical responsibilities relating to professional counseling especially as related to Illinois law. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6602 Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling II. This course will continue the exploration and discussion of ethical and legal considerations in the practice of counseling. Prerequisite: CPSY 6601. Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 1 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6603 Clinical Interviewing and DSM. This course introduces the student to the current diagnostic and statistical manual and its use. In addition, students practice doing the clinical interview with the purpose of gathering the specific information needed to diagnose and plan treatment. Prerequisite: Undergraduate Abnormal Psychology course and Degree Seeking Student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6606 Methods of Research. This course is an overview of research design, collection and reporting of data, interpretation of findings and inferential procedures. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6607 Counseling Laboratory. This course provides empathy training exercises with an emphasis on the therapist’s conscious use of the language of emotions and attitudes. Role-play with couples, difficult clients, special situations and therapeutic techniques are practiced. Prerequisite: CPSY 6629. Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6616 Stress Management. This course examines stress theories of disease, beneficial aspects of stress, life change, health behavior change, and techniques of stress management. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6619 Substance Related Disorders: Application of Theory. This course is an integration and application course of prior content taught in CPSY 6510, 6550 and 6551. This course will review clinical skills required to function as a Certified Addictions Counselor. Throughout this course the student will be required to provide the rationale for their choice of treatment, examining specific scientific rationales. Research investigations will provide the basis of treatment for hypothetical patients. ASAM criteria will guide assessment choices for placement and treatment. Prerequisites: CPSY 6510, 6550, 6551. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6620 Cognitive Therapy. (Formerly 620) This course provides a survey of a variety of cognitive/behavioral approaches to psychotherapy. Modern techniques (DBT and ACT) will be linked to earlier theories in both cognitive (Adler, Kelly, etc.) and behavioral (Skinner, Pavlov, etc.) psychology. Students will be given the opportunity to apply the various techniques and theories to clinical material and will be expected to present and analyze cases within a cognitive-behavioral framework. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6621 Brief Counseling and Psychotherapy. The student is introduced to theories underlying the brief counseling and psychotherapy model. Role-play situations are used to facilitate learning. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6622 Dialectical Behavior Therapy. This course presents a broad-based cognitive behavioral treatment which helps students to acquire therapeutic skills and attitudes. The course will put special emphasis on core mindfulness skills, emotion regulation skills, interpersonal effectiveness skills, and distress tolerance skills. Students will receive DBT training through in class role plays and targeted exercises for skill building. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6629 Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Students receive training in client-centered therapy, including recordings of simulated counseling sessions with individual playback consultations. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6630 Theory and Techniques of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Theories and techniques of a sampling of major approaches to counseling and psychotherapy are explored. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6633 Group Counseling and Psychotherapy. Fundamental concepts and skills of group psychotherapy are examined. Prerequisites: CPSY 6629, Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6635 Research in Counseling and Psychotherapy. Studies in the field of counseling and psychotherapy, its practitioners, its processes, and its efficacy are critically reviewed in terms of both findings and methods and as illustrations of different design approaches to the understanding of psychotherapy. Prerequisite: CPSY 6606. Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 1 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6638 Problems in Counseling and Psychotherapy. This course is designed for individual and group study of selected problems and issues. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 1-4 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 4. Department Consent Required.  
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6646 Human Development: Infancy and Childhood. This course presents basic concepts of the developmental perspective and reviews the physical, psychological, and social development of the child from birth to puberty. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6647 Human Development: Adolescence. This course examines the range of development that occurs in adolescence. Discussions and readings focus on the major physical, social, cognitive, and emotional changes that occur during this phase of life. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6648 Human Development: Adulthood. Students will examine the developmental issues surrounding early, middle, and late adulthood. The course will focus on the physical, emotional, and intellectual changes that occur as one progresses through adult life. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6649 Human Sexuality. This course examines human sexual development and the nature, assessment, and treatment of sexual problems. Sexual desire disorders will be addressed, and the value of sexual therapy intervention for couples will be explored. Sexual issues will be approached from intra-psychic and interpersonal perspectives. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6650 Introduction to Art Therapy. To introduce the use of art in counseling clients of all ages. To explore the use of art as a metaphor for human issues and concerns. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6651 Maladaptive Behavior and Psychopathology. The etiology, dynamics, and treatment of pathological behavior will be studied with an emphasis on the relationship between personality disorders and co-occurring disorders. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program, CPSY 6603, and CPSY 6690 or CPSY 6691 concurrent. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6653 Behavior Disorders of Childhood. Theoretical and methodological issues in behavior disorders of childhood are studied in this course using clinical and research data. Readings and discussions will give consideration to assessment and treatment approaches. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6655 Theory and Practice of Play Therapy with Children. This course explores the concept of play as a therapeutic modality and the major theories of psychotherapy and how those theories form the foundation for specific play therapy techniques and interventions. An analysis of appropriate application and strategic utilization of techniques that further the processing of client material will be explored. Prerequisites: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program and CPSY 6646 and CPSY 6630. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6658 Career Counseling, Testing and Planning. Occupational and educational information and issues in career planning and development are studied with consideration of student’s own career plan; laboratory practice. Prerequisite: Degree Seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 1 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6659 Job Search Strategies. This course will focus on defining job search strategies for a competitive job market. Career development theories will be explored in a practical application. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program and CPSY 6658. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6664 Psychological Assessment: Measurement and Test Evaluation. This class provides an overview of the theory of psychological evaluation, clinical interview processes and utilization of interpretative data in assessing client needs. Prerequisite: CPSY 6603. Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 1 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6665 Psychological Assessment: Personality Evaluation and Report Writing. This course provides an overview of major assessment instruments, interpretation of reports, and report writing. An introduction to projective techniques is included. Prerequisite: CPSY 6603. Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6672 Marriage and Family: Systems and Theory. Family systems theory is introduced. The works of major contributors of the field are studied. A skills component is included to enhance learning. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6673 Workshop in Marital Therapy. (Formerly 673) This course explores a range of approaches to brief couple and family therapy. Conceptual and self-observation skills are emphasized in the critique of student-designed, role-played interventions. Part of the course centers on client centered approaches to working with clients. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program, CPSY 6629. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6683 Social and Cultural Foundations. (Formerly 683) This course explores issues and trends in a pluralistic society. Areas covered include issues associated with factors such as age, race, religious preference, physical disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity and culture, gender and socioeconomic status. Ethical implications and considerations are examined. Prerequisites: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program, CPSY 6601 and CPSY 6629. 2 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6684 Workshop in Counseling the Diverse Populations. This course explores approaches in working with culturally diverse populations. The therapist's own ethnic and cultural factors are also considered. Conceptual and self-observation skills are practiced in the critique of role-played counseling sessions. Prerequisites: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program, CPSY 6629 and CPSY 6683. 1 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6687 Readings in Clinical Psychology. Readings in Theories of Personality, Readings in Psychopathology, or Readings in Psychotherapy Research. Individual or group study is carried out in one of the above areas. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 1-4 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 4. Department Consent Required.  
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6688 Master's Thesis. Students are supervised during the conceptualization, execution, data analysis, and formal written presentation of a research project. Prerequisite: Degree Seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 2-4 semester credit hour/s. Department Consent Required.  
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6690 Supervised Field Experience in Mental Health I. This is the first student internship/practicum experience. Students serve their internship at agencies, hospitals, and other social service sites with a focus on providing counseling to clients. Students receive weekly supervision on site. Students enroll in this class to register for their first field placement. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 1-6 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 8. Department Consent Required.  
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6691 Supervised Field Experience in Mental Health II. This is the second student internship experience and continues the student's experience in counseling clients. Supervision by the agency staff is provided. Students enroll in this class to register for their second field placement. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 1-6 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 8. Department Consent Required.  
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6693 Supervised Field Experience in Human Services, Student Personnel, Supervision, Teaching and Research. This is a non-clinical field placement. Students gain experience in their area of interest which may include teaching assistance, research, crises line work, career counseling, and other options. Prerequisite: Degree seeking student in the Clinical Psychology program. 1-6 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 6. Department Consent Required.  
Campus: LISLE 
CPSY 6696 Clinical Psychology Seminar. Clinical Psychology seminar presents the student with a comprehensive review of theories, theorists, concepts, and skills addressed in the MSCP program. This class will refresh student learning in preparation for graduation, licensing, and entering the profession. 1 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 2. 
Campus: LISLE