Academic Catalog

Management (MNGT)

MNGT 7132 Foundations of Organization Development and Leadership. This course focuses on the role and potential contribution of the fields and practice of organization development (OD) and leadership. It will cover the major streams of thought foundational to current theory, research, and practice in both fields. It is also designed to explore and understand the history and the development of the fields of OD and leadership. This course assists in providing a frame of reference for understanding past, present and future issues in OD and leadership. Credit will not be given for both MSVDL 5505 and MNGT 7132. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 7135 Philosophy of Science. This course is devoted to understanding the construction, development, and refinement of knowledge in the social-organizational sciences. It seeks to help students strengthen conceptual skills in advancing knowledge in the social sciences, to navigate through the process of structured inquiry, to understand the different goals of scientific inquiry (understanding, explanation, generativity, and prediction). 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 7138 Leading Organization Change and Design. This course provides an understanding of organization design that is foundational knowledge for scholar-practitioners in the organization sciences as it is the fundamental infrastructure and context within which people and organizations function. This course provides a platform to discuss not only design, but also diagnosis and change, such as types of change, strategies for change and how to manage change. Credit will not be given for both MSVDL 5535 and MNGT 7138. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 7191 Lecture Series Seminar. This series for first-year concepts brings to campus top national academicians and consultants to address state-of-the-art issues in Organizational Behavior, Organization Development and Human Resources Management. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 7740 Leading Teams and Group Processes. Although most of us have been on various kinds of teams throughout our lives, we seldom take time to systematically observe and analyze how teams function and consider how they could be shaped and structured to function better. Yet observation and analysis are the first steps in understanding teams, shaping their dynamics, and ultimately improving their performance. In this course, students have the opportunity to analyze their own team processes and explore the dynamics of leading diverse, high-performing teams, while learning from and applying the best of the team process and development literature. Credit will not be given for both MSVDL 5530 and MNGT 7740. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 7770 Moral & Ethical Foundations of Leadership and Change. This course explores social, moral, and ethical philosophy as it relates to leadership and change in the corporate arena. Specific attention is paid to comparing and contrasting theories on the purpose of business, human nature and relationships, ethical decision making, and the meaning of sustainability and relational accountability on an organizational, societal, and global level. Students relate these theoretical perspectives to their own purpose, values, and commitments as leaders, their approach to leading and enriching the lives of others, and the role they play in shaping the vision, mission, priorities, and strategies of their organizations. Credit will not be given for both MSVDL 5510 and MNGT 7770. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 7780 Organizational Theory and Behavior. (Formerly DVDL 7780) This course focuses on identifying theory and research that frames the current study of organizations from the macro and micro perspectives. The first weekend examines competing schools of organizational theory that facilitate our attempts to understand organizations and key issues/topics. The second weekend focuses on micro issues of organizational behavior, including topics such as human needs and motivation, emotions, conflict, work stress, trust, and cross-cultural issues; as well as more recent positive deviance topics that capitalize on human strengths and capacities (peak performance; thriving and human flourishing; resilience; positive identity, meaning, emotions, and relationships; creativity; compassion). Credit will not be given for both MSVDL 5550 and MNGT 7780. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8112 Qualitative Methods. This seminar will focus on the qualitative approach to designing social and organizational research. Topics include observations and conversations/interviews, about the experiences of people (Emic categories) and move toward building theory to help illuminate, explain, and extend those experiences. Emphasizes grounded theory, participant observation and case study. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8113 Quantitative Methods. This course emphasizes the understanding of the connection between research design, measurement, data reduction and analysis. Focuses on the evolution of a quantitative study from research questions, hypotheses and conceptual understanding top variable operationalization, data collection, data reduction and the resulting data files used in statistical analysis. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8114 Organization Consultation. This course is an overview of organizational consultation tools and methods. Emphasizes assessment, diagnosis, style, techniques, strategies, approaches, knowledge base and power. Credit will not be given for both MSVDL 5560 and MNGT 8114. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8115 Advanced Topics: Views of Organization Development and Leadership. This course uses a seminar format designed to provide additional preparation for the student's dissertation and their responsibilities as scholar-practitioners. The course focuses on current and projected future approaches and trends in the field and provides the opportunity to discuss dissertation topics as the contribution to the field within the context of these current and future trends. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8116 Integrative Quantitative & Qualitative Seminar. This course considers both quantitative and qualitative research approaches with an emphasis on integration. Three course topic themes include 1) mixed method designs; 2) approaches and strategies for maximizing constant comparative methods; and 3) principles for writing convincing research. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8191 Lecture Series Seminar. This series for second-year concepts introduces students to top national academicians and consultants to address state-of-the-art issues in Organizational Behavior, Organization Development and Human Resources Management. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8197 International Conference/Global Exchange. This seminar involves travelling abroad to explore the concept of Organization Development and Leadership in different cultures. This is an opportunity to create a scholar-practitioner professional network to serve as the foundation for future work as a global practitioner. 6 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8198 Dissertation - Phase I. Continuation of Research, Chapter Writing, and Dissertation Publishing. 6-9 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8199 Dissertation - Phase II. Completion of Research, Chapter Writing, and Dissertation Publishing. 6-9 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8200 Dissertation Continuation - Phase III. This is a continuation course in the event a student’s research requires an extra semester or semesters. 6 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8201 Dissertation Continuation. This is a fourth-year continuation course in the event a student’s research requires an extra semester. 6 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 99. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8810 Leadership & Corporate Social Responsibility. (Formerly DVDL 8810) This course provides an overview of the origins, evolution, and leading thinking around the theory and practice of socially responsible business and social entrepreneurship. Students explore current trends, leading literature, theory, and case studies while participating in experiential exercises and interactive projects in order to gain practical insights into how society’s increasing expectations are driving innovation and impacting the firm’s social license to operate. The goal of this course is for students to better understand how business relates to society and the ways in which corporate social responsibility can be integrated into all facets of organizational life to drive the creation of shared value. Credit will not be given for both MSVDL 5515 and MNGT 8810. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8820 Leading Corporate Sustainability. (Formerly DVDL 8820) This course focuses specifically on turning sustainable business practices into a competitive advantage. It is designed to cover a range of issues on the topic of sustainability that are central to leaders in today’s economy, including how to maximize business and environmental objectives while managing complex stakeholder relationships and how to gain competitive advantage through environmentally sustainable practices such as strategic alignment, product and process innovation, and sustainable supply chain management. It also explores best practices across industries in the area of environmentally sustainable business and the leadership skills to enable action. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8830 Leading Self and Developing Others. This course provides an in-depth exploration of the theory and practice of leadership development. It focuses on three primary areas: (1) human development theory, particularly from the perspective of the new and emerging field of positive psychology and strength based leadership, (2) leadership capacity building, and (3) the dynamics of executive coaching. Students put theory into practice via application projects both in class and in their organizations and strengthen their capacity to build cultures of inclusive leadership. Credit will not be given for both MSVDL 5525 and MNGT 8830. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8840 Leading in the Global Environment. This course explores the application of economic, legal, and political theory to the task of leadership in today’s global context. Included are discussions of historical and current economic and political trends and their relationship to corporate sustainability, corporate strategy, and leadership decision-making. Specific emphasis is placed on the future of global business, approaches to successful economic development of organizations, risk assessment and management, issues relating to governmental regulations, and leading in diverse cross-cultural settings. Case studies of successful and unsuccessful global leadership are analyzed. Credit will not be given for both MSVDL 5545 and MNGT 8840. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8850 Strategic Leadership. (Formerly DVDL 8850) This course focuses on the role of senior leadership in developing and executing corporate strategy. It examines historical and contemporary approaches and the underlying theories that support them. It addresses governance, market, organizational, and process issues that affect successful strategy formation and implementation. Particular emphasis is placed on the unique challenges and opportunities of developing corporate strategy for sustainable value creation. Credit will not be given for both MSVDL 5555 and MNGT 8850. 3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8891 Research in Organization Development. This course prepares students to conduct dissertation research in Organization Development. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8892 Research in Values-Driven Leadership. This course prepares students to conduct dissertation research in Values-Driven Leadership. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8893 Research in Business Administration. This course prepares students to conduct dissertation research in Business Administration. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE 
MNGT 8900 Dissertation Research. (Formerly DVDL 8890) Students in the Ph.D. track earn their degree by completing a scholarly dissertation based on original research, while students in the D.B.A. track earn their degree by completing an applied dissertation based on the implementation and analysis of an application project. While the program is a three-year initiative, the dissertation is designed to be integrated throughout all years of study. Students are encouraged to begin reviewing dissertation possibilities upon acceptance into the program and to continue to explore and develop dissertation topics throughout their coursework. Students are encouraged to select topics consistent with the major research themes within the program. In addition, throughout the program students are expected to contribute to the field and gain feedback on their work by presenting at conferences and publishing in journals. 4-7 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 18. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms) 
MNGT 8901 Research in Organization Development. This course prepares students to conduct dissertation research in Organization Development. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8902 Dissertation Phase I PhD Organization Development. Continuation of Research, Chapter Writing, and Dissertation Publishing in Organization Development. 9 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8903 Dissertation Phase II PhD Organization Development. Continuation of Research, Chapter Writing, and Dissertation Publishing in Organization Development. 9 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8904 Dissertation Research Continuation - PhD OD. This is a continuation course in the event a student’s research requires an extra semester. 4 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8911 Research in Values-Driven Leadership. This course prepares students to conduct dissertation research in Values-Driven Leadership. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8912 Dissertation Phase I PhD Values Driven Leadership. Continuation of Research, Chapter Writing, and Dissertation Publishing in Values Driven Leadership. 9 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8913 Dissertation Phase II PhD Values Driven Leadership. Continuation of Research, Chapter Writing, and Dissertation Publishing in Values Driven Leadership. 9 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8914 Dissertation Continuation - PhD VDL. This is a continuation course in the event a student’s research requires an extra semester. 4 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8920 Dissertation Continuation. (Formerly DVDL 8900) A course designed to enroll students who did not complete their dissertation during year 3 of their program. 3-4 semester credit hour/s. Course Repeatable. Maximum number of units allowed: 33. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms) 
MNGT 8921 Research in Business Administration. This course prepares students to conduct dissertation research in Business Administration. 1-3 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8922 Dissertation Phase I DBA Values Driven Leadership. Continuation of Research, Chapter Writing, and Dissertation Publishing in Values Driven Leadership DBA. 9 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8923 Dissertation Phase II DBA Values Driven Leadership. Continuation of Research, Chapter Writing, and Dissertation Publishing in Values Driven Leadership DBA. 9 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE (Typically Offered: Annually) 
MNGT 8924 Dissertation Continuation - DBA VDL. This is a continuation course in the event a student’s research requires an extra semester. 4 semester credit hour/s. 
Campus: LISLE