Academic Catalog

Program Continuity/Time Limit

Each graduate program consists of a series of interrelated courses, experiences, and requirements that are designed to assist students in meeting the program goals. Extended breaks between courses1 or failure to complete the program within a reasonable time may interfere with a student’s ability to accomplish the degree objectives. The following guidelines have been established:

  1. Students may choose not to register for a given term and will continue to receive registration materials. Doctoral students may not register at will or withdraw without notice. They must receive approval for and coordinate any break in course and program registration with the appropriate doctoral office.
  2. Students are required to complete all coursework and graduation requirements within six years from initial enrollment in a program
  3. Students who do not complete their program within six academic years of initial admission will become inactive and are required to reapply for admission. Prior coursework is evaluated by the program to determine application towards graduation requirements.

If extenuating circumstances prevent completion of coursework within six years, the student may submit a written request for an extension prior to the six year deadline. The request is sent to the program director or department chair. The program director or chair may meet with the student to discuss program completion including a timeline and plan for meeting program requirements. Documentation is submitted to the dean of the appropriate college for approval or denial.


Please refer to University policy on financial aid.